Monday, July 8, 2013

Dream, Nightmare, or Reality?

Dream,  Nightmare or Reality? When I look at this painting I see the beauty of three levels of being clashing. If this is a dream then the peacefulness of the dream is worked out by facing one's obstacles. The nightmare is that if someone is breaking in what will happen? Will she face danger or face death? I love that the painting questions what is real and not real. We can look at reality and be constantly faced with daily successes and failures. A dream state allows us to catch up with our daily accomplishments. The artist Stresino is able to vividly capture the beauty of all three levels of being. Maybe the girl is in a partial dream state due to the image that is floating above her. If that is the case will she wake up in time before danger befalls her. Is her dream telling her of the dangers that await her reality? The fact that the more you look the more you must question the state of her existence and her well-being. I love that the painting can depict certain danger and at the same time it makes you feel that everything will be alright for the time-being!


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  2. Thank you so much for reviewing my painting!
